Saturday, November 23, 2013

Vacay Time!

Well, friends...the husband and I are officially on vacation! We are headed to Mexico to celebrate our one year anniversary! Mexico has become an annual thing for us. We were engaged there, and we honeymooned there. This will be our fourth year going, and we cannot wait to get back! There is nothing quite like relaxing by the pool or on the beach with a cocktail in hand. We will be 100% unplugged for one week. No phones, no computers. It is one of my favorite things about this annual trip. It feels so good to unplug and truly relax! Books will be read, and quality time will be spent together. Hopefully when we return, we will be refreshed, renewed and a little tan. I am so thankful to have the ability to take this trip and spend this time with my husband. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!
If you're braving Black Friday - GOOD LUCK!

See you in a week!

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