Thursday, March 6, 2014

Three-fer Thursday Link Up

Happy Thursday, lovelies! We are excited to see that pastels and spring transition looks are making their way into the link up which means spring must be just around the corner! As always, thank you to those who linked up last week! We love getting inspiration from your posts and are looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us this week. So get linked up, meet some new blog buddies and check out these fabulous ladies while you're at it!

Meet this week's featured three...

Elizabeth of Undeniably Me is absolutely stunning in this winter white look. We think her coat is to die for and of course we are fans of those sparkly gold heels too!

Natalie of Style Stun makes transitioning for warmer weather look effortless. We love her simple, yet chic look! And who would've guessed that this is an Old Navy top?

Sara of The House of Shoes looks so springy in pastel and blue hues. We love the subtle print mixing with the layered stripes and those wedges are absolutely perfect with this look!

Link up for your chance to be one of the featured three next week!

How it works:
Three-fer Thursday is a linkup party where you submit your favorite post from the week and link it up here at Perfectly Coutured and Everyday Fashion and Finance. The following Thursday, we will choose three of those posts that we particularly enjoyed and then share them with all of you! If you're one of the chosen three, we will email you on Wednesday evening to let you know so you can post about it on your blog (if you want)!

Your post can be about anything fashion related! Think of it as show and tell for your favorite post that you have worked so hard on! We do ask that you please follow Everyday Fashion and Finance and Perfectly Coutured in order to link up. Also, don't forget to post a link back to Three-fer Thursday so that people can come visit! Feel free to use the button below or you can create your own text link if you prefer. 

Why should you link up?
Do you like discovering new blogs and building new relationships with other bloggers? We know we do and Three-fer Thursday is a way for us to do just that!
Perfectly Coutured

Three-fer Thursday Link Up!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


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